16 November 2016 | Glenn Price

Claus Moser CM0.12 | 1pm

Join us this November as History’s Glenn Price inducts us into the intricacies of logistics and supply during the British Civil Wars. With our own logistics and supply being (fingers crossed) of a less fraught nature, you may also look forward to a range of sandwiches, fruit and possibly even cakes! To find out more about Glenn and his WiP talk, please read on.

What, Why, and How:

The Study of Logistics and Supply of the British Civil Wars

Military logistics and supply systems are fundamental to the successful prosecution of a war. As the British Isles had been at peace internally for decades before war broke out in 1638, these systems had to be created from scratch. As the conflicts rapidly expanded and intensified, these logistical and supply systems needed to adapt and grow to meet the voracious appetite of war. The need to…

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